Born in 1954 in New York, lives and works in NewJersey.
A Chinese art curator, researcher, scholar, and teacher of Chinese painting and connoisseurship, Arnold Chang received traditional literati painting training in his early life. He applies the materials, tools and techniques that were widely used in China since the 10th century to create; and is dedicated to exploring the beauty of balance in water, ink, brushwork, and linear rhythm. His work includes ink linear experiments, abstract landscape, and collaborative works that combine photography and painting.
While Chang’s painting technique adheres closely to tradition, his analysis of Chinese landscape painting is informed by the present. He continues to find contemporary relevance in the brushwork and composition of literati ink painting. In 2010, in response to curator Hao Shen’s invitation to create a painting in dialogue with a work in the Boston Museum of Fine Art’s collection, Chang chose Jackson Pollack’s No. 10 (1949). Chang’s creation was exhibited alongside the Pollack, both lying flat in a case like a Chinese handscroll. Both works read well when viewed from any direction, and provided audiences with a visual pairing of Eastern and Western abstract art.
In his scholarship, Chang proposes that both the techniques of Chinese literati painting and western abstract expressionism possess a similar principle—fractal expression, Chinese painted landscapes’ tendency to be composed of forms within like forms.Henceforth, Chang analyzes orthodox Chinese painting from the lens of Western abstract expressionism. He explores the ever-changing viewpoint and angle of vision in Chinese landscape painting and argues that there is no fixed viewpoint, creating, instead, a non-directional image in space. In the realm of abstract expressionism, Chang still practices traditional Chinese literati painting’s principle of handling the brushwork in a balanced and fused manner while breaking away from the limitations of traditional compositional structure.
Chang studied art history with Professor James Cahill and holds a master’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado. Chang studied painting and connoisseurship with C.C Wang for twenty-five years. He also studied painting with Kuo Yen-ch’iao in Taipei and calligraphy with Wang Chi-yuan in New York. Chang served for many years as Vice President and Director of Chinese Paintings at Sotheby’s, where he is presently a consultant. Chang has previously taught Chinese art at the University of Colorado, San Francisco City College, Connecticut College, and Arizona State University. He has organized several exhibitions, and is the author of a book and numerous exhibition catalogues and articles on Chinese painting. Through years of work, research and connoisseurship experience, he has established an individual artistic style.
Chang’s paintings have been exhibited internationally and are in the permanent collections of many museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, British Museum, Asian Art Museum, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Art Institute of Chicago, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, The Brooklyn Museum, Phoenix Art Museum, Norton Museum of Art, Crocker Art Museum, Yale University Art Gallery, Princeton University Art Museum, and Harvard University Art Museum.
1978 - 2003 | C.C. Wang Studio, New York, NY, USA |
Studied Chinese painting and connoisseurship with C.C. Wang | |
1976 - 1978 | University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA |
MA, Asian Studies | |
1972 - 1976 | University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA |
BA, Chinese Language and East Asian Studies | |
Honors: Phi Beta Kappa |
Solo Exhibition
2010 | Mind Scapes, Plum Blossom Gallery, Hong Kong, China |
2006 | Recent Paintings by Arnold Chang, Eskenazi Gallery, London, England |
Embracing Tradition: Ink Landscapes by Arnold Chang, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA, USA | |
2004 | A Brush With Fate: Landscapes by Arnold Chang, Charles Chu |
Asian Art Reading Room, Conn. College, New London, CT, USA | |
Reflections: Zhang Hong at 50, Kaikodo Asian Art Gallery, New York, NY, USA | |
2002 | MindScapes, Phillips Museum of Art, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, USA |
1996 | Backward Glances, Kaikodo Asian Art Gallery, New York, NY, USA |
Group Exhibition
2020 |
Spotlight on a New Generation of Chinese Art, Cleveland Museum of Art,Cleveland, OH, USA |
2019 | ININK: Current Trends of Ink Art, NanHai Gallery, Millbrae, CA, USA |
2017 - 2019 |
Streams and Mountains without End: Landscape Traditions of China, Metropolitan Museum of Art, |
New York, NY, USA |
2018 | Chinese Ink Conceptual Art Exhibition, China Art Museum, Shanghai, China |
Purity of Mind, Fu Qiumeng Fine Art, New York, NY, USA |
All Under Heaven: Landscapes of China by Arnold Chang and | |
Michael Cherney, Art Design & Architecture Museum, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA | |
Ink Worlds: Contemporary Chinese Painting from the Collection of Akiko Yamazaki and Jerry | |
Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA | |
From Two Arises Three: Michael Cherney and Arnold Chang in Asia, Hong Kong University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Hong Kong, China | |
Beyond Ink, Chinese Art Museum, Shanghai, China | |
2017 | A Literati Dialogue Through Lens and Brush, NanHai ART, Millbrae, CA, USA |
Landscape Relativities: The Collaborative Works of Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney, Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, TX, USA | |
Wuhan Ink Art Biennale - Pursuit by ink, Wuhan Art Museum, Hubei, China | |
2016 | The Literati Within, Sotheby’s S2, New York, NY, USA |
Rhythms of Abstraction: Landscape Duets of Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Kalamazoo, MI, USA | |
Chinese Landscape Duets of Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH, USA | |
The Literati Within, Sotheby’s S2, New York, NY, USA | |
2015 | The Art of the Chinese Album, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, USA |
Ink Painting and Construction of Contemporary Chinese Art, Chinese American Museum, Los Angeles, CA, USA | |
From 2 Arises 3: The Collaborative Works of Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney, Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA, USA |
News | Arnold Chang’s Retrospective at the Cleveland Museum of Art From March 8 to November 9, 2025
The Cleveland Museum of Art March 5, 2025The Cleveland Museum of Art presents Landscapes by Arnold Chang: A Retrospective and Recent Acquisitions , a sweeping exhibition marking the artistic practices of Chinese-American...Read more -
News | “C.C. Wang Reflects on Painting: Definition of Brushwork-Oriented Criteria in Chinese Literati Aesthetics.”
Publication Recommendation May 23, 2024With our current exhibition, 'The Mountains Show and Hide: Color in the Landscape Paintings of Arnold Chang,' Fu Qiumeng Fine Art would like to recommend...Read more -
News | Artnet Interview: "7 Questions for Curator Joy Xiao Chen and Artist Arnold Chang" on FQM current exhibition The Mountains Show and Hide.
Artnet May 7, 2024Artnet recently conducted an interview '7 Questions for Curator Joy Xiao Chen and Artist Arnold Chang' that highlights the current exhibition at Fu Qiumeng Fine...Read more -
News | Eight FQM Artists showcase their works at the United Nations
IN CELEBRATION OF CHINESE LANGUAGE DAY 2023 April 21, 2023In celebration of the 2023 United Nations Chinese Language Day, the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the UN, the Chinese Translation...Read more -
News | Arnold Chang exhibited at Fairfield University Art Museum
Fairfield University Art Museum April 7, 2022ink/stone exhibition presents works by Chinese artists from the 20th and 21st centuries who engage with ink and stone as materials, subjects, and concepts. Employing...Read more -
News | Arnold Chang's "Thinking of Spring" is included at Wesley Tongson's retrospect at BAMPFA
The UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA) April 6, 2022Spiritual Mountains debuts a recent gift to BAMPFA of eleven paintings by the Hong Kong artist Wesley Tongson (1957–2012). His work draws heavily on traditional...Read more -
Article | New York Rhythms, Suzhou Rhymes
Author: Arnold Chang January 14, 2022The life and art of C. C. Wang (1907-2003) have been chronicled and analyzed in numerous books, articles, and at least one doctoral dissertation. [1]...Read more -
News | Auction Result | White Ground Project at Christie’s is 100% Sold.
October 6, 2020Fu Qiumeng Fine Art is pleased to announce that the special project White Ground , co-organized by gallery director Fu Qiumeng and Christie’s during Christie’s...Read more -
News | Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney - Yellow Mountains (Huangshan)
Guo Xinran May 12, 2019从2009年开始,画家张洪(Arnold Chang, b. 1954)和摄影师秋麦( Michael Cherney, b.1969)共同创作了一系列作品。《黄山册页》是这一系列的其中之一,完成于2012年(图一)。作品是一本折叠册,由十二组图片做成。每组左边是秋麦的照片,右边是张洪的纸上水墨(图二)。照片来自秋麦在黄山拍摄的一张照片的细节部分(图三)。秋麦截取了照片中的一条,将其分成连续的十四等分,选取其中十二张,印刷在张洪绘画所用的宣纸上寄给他,张洪继而通过水墨画的形式对秋麦的照片做出回应,最后,秋麦完成册页的装裱。 《黄山册页》由纽约大都会博物馆收藏,现正作为展览“溪山无尽——中国山水画传统”的一部分在该馆展出。在展览上,册页被拉开展示,二十四张图片形成连续的整体。秋麦的摄影以灰色调为主,而张洪的画面有大面积的留白。站在一定距离外看,图片之间色调的不同让作品具有独特的视觉冲击力(见图一(组))。 这种独特的视觉冲击力也建立在图片之间的共鸣上。近距离观看的话,可以看到每组摄影与水墨画之间构图上的呼应。在作品的有些部分,可以明确看到两张图片中类似的山川、岩石形态(图四)。而在其它部分 ,两件图片仿佛将山水画中的细节无限放大,构图中只能辨认出笔触或色调的变化(图五)。另外,秋麦将照片打印在宣纸上。宣纸的吸水性让画面更加柔和,更接近张洪的纸上水墨的质感。张洪和秋麦在个人的实践中都长期保持对传统艺术语言和审美观念的回溯。张洪的笔法和构图主要取自元代以降的文人绘画,秋麦的摄影也受到中国传统绘画的影响。两位艺术家的合作基于他们对中国传统绘画相近的理解方式。艺术史学者安雅兰和沈揆一在一篇文章中将秋麦和张洪的合作作品看作一种文人间的对话。他们合作作品中摄影和绘画的并置延续了传统绘画作品上题字与绘画之间的共鸣。 和而不同可以很好地概括《黄山册页》的独特视觉冲击力。两种媒介之间既存在联系,又保持着微妙的距离。在秋麦和张洪合作的其它作品中,作品之间的过渡多以其它方式出现。有些作品中图片交界处采用模糊处理,过渡看起来更加柔和;在另外一些作品中,秋麦的照片会以三角形或扇形出现在构图中;在大部分的合作作品中,秋麦的照片是张洪水墨画中的一个格子。如《仿王己千》(2016)中,照片位于构图的正中,张洪的绘画与摄影中岩石的起伏构成有机的整体,如同笔触从照片延伸到了水墨画面上(图六)。与其它的合作作品不同,《黄山册页》中绘画与摄影是不连续的,图片之间并无明显的视觉线索作为连接,两张并置的图片以相似但独立的构图出现。 这种并置带来的视觉观感相当吸引人。在2014年出版的一份展览图册中,一位学者曾经写到:“我们看到两种肌理既连续展开又相互形成对比。这是一种奇特(uncanny)的感觉。”在同一份图录中,也有学者提到,观看秋麦和张洪的合作作品时,观者的视线经常在两种媒介的交界处反复停留。在有关《黄山册页》的访谈中,艺术家和访谈者也曾提到过,这种格子的构图方式让作品看起来更加当代。 《黄山册页》中图片的边缘和图片的排列方式看似不重要的细节,不过也是这些细节指向作品与传统文人对话在形式和媒介上的不同。关注这些细节也许可以帮我们进一步理解两位艺术家的合作,以及在当代回溯传统的意义。 需要说明的是,现当代艺术的视觉语言并非张洪和秋麦首要考虑的因素。 张洪的创作并不基于照片,而来自秋麦的摄影让他联想到的中国传统绘画作品。秋麦在拍摄和选择合作作品中的照片时也受到中国绘画的影响。在与大都会博物馆策展人史耀华(Joseph Scheier-Dolberg)的一次访谈中,张洪提到, “我们并不特意去创新,我们想做的是我们觉得对的、实在的、可以用得上我们各自的技巧和共同的美感的东西。” 在同一个访谈中,秋麦说:“我们的合作对水墨传统是尊重的……不需要是革新了什么东西,只是为后来的人再往前走一小步。” 同样,张洪和秋麦都不认为构图中的格子是自己创作的先决条件。张洪曾提到,合作作品中的直角和直线的边缘没有直接影响到他的创作;对秋麦来说,图片的选择主要基于他对作品画面的设想,而不是几何的构图。 《黄山册页》中的格子深深嵌入到两位艺术家对中国古代传统的思考中。张洪的艺术实践与元代绘画渊源颇深,也受到明清绘画的影响。他更注重对想像中山水形态的描摹,对自然潜在规律的把握,而非直接的再现。张洪的实践植根于中国传统绘画一个重要的转变阶段。艺术史学者方闻在文章 “为什么中国绘画是历史” 中认为,元代以降,对现实的再现手法已经在绘画中成熟到一定阶段,文人画家们主要将画面设想为二维的平面。方闻将这个转变与美国艺术评论家Leo Steinberg关于当代美国绘画的转变做一类比。Steinberg认为,五六十年代的美国当代绘画经历了一个转折,艺术家不再将画面看作自然的再现方式,而更多地将画布看作承载工作过程的物质实体。通过这个类比,方闻从当代艺术史的角度去反观中国古代。其用意并非脱离历史语境地用现代去解释古代。方闻的文章所主张的是:在对中国绘画内在逻辑有充分了解的基础上,可以在不同的历史脉络之间建立桥梁,以与以往不同的角度去发掘传统艺术的视觉语言与创造性。虽然人们倾向于将张洪的水墨画归入传统绘画的类别,这并不意味着我们不能以当代的角度去看待张洪对传统的回溯。 《黄山册页》中,张洪的绘画出现在一个与传统册页不尽相同的构图中,这提供了一个在当代语境中反观传统的契机。秋麦摄影中的山水和张洪笔下的理想山水在观众的视线中交替变幻。不同媒介图像的并置让画面具有一种抽象和具象之间的张力。在画面的不同部分,这种张力呈现出不同的状态。有些地方可以明确分辨出近景和远景,摄影和绘画仿佛同一构图的两种视觉表现方式;而有些构图更为抽象,点、线、笔触等要素在摄影和绘画中被放大。在靠近左边的八组图像中,大部分地貌和刻画对象可以辨认。而在靠近右边的四组图中,岩石、草木的形态被简化为黑白、明暗间的微妙对比。观众仿佛站在望远镜的一端,所看事物的比例持续地变大或缩小,这让《黄山册页》与传统册页的产生了一定距离,促使观者对作品的视觉语言更为敏感。 近距离观看《黄山册页》时,很难说摄影是否比水墨更具象,水墨是否比摄影更主观。秋麦长期使用胶片,他的很多作品中可以看到细小的灰色颗粒,如同黑白屏幕上闪动的像素。秋麦使用广角镜头和高速胶卷,另外,他往往截取照片上的一部分作为作品。在放大胶片的过程中,这些因素都会让图片出现颗粒感。另外,秋麦在装裱中采用完全传统的方式呈现作品。虽然摄影通常被看作直接捕捉现实的方式,秋麦的照片往往让人联想到水墨画或拓片。当然,摄影的质感与传统媒介不尽相同。秋麦作品表面的颗粒常常让人产生一种紧张感,仿佛眼前的景象是暂时的、转瞬即逝的。在2010年发表的一篇自述中,秋麦写到,他的摄影包含有复杂的情感,由于环境和社会变迁,他拍摄的地点往往与其在艺术作品中的面貌大相径庭。秋麦的照片拍摄到了风景,也捕捉到了作为理想意义上的风景解体、消失的痕迹。如果说张洪笔下的山水超越了物像而成为心像,秋麦的摄影也可以看作心像的一种。...Read more -
News | Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney - All Under Heaven: Landscapes of China
September 29, 2018Shared appreciation of China’s classical tradition of art and culture proves to be a powerful unifying force in the art of ink-painter Arnold Chang and...Read more -
News | Ink Worlds: Contemporary Chinese Painting from the Collection of Akiko Yamazaki and Jerry Yang
June 20, 2018Stanford, CA– The first exhibition at the Cantor Arts Center devoted solely to contemporary Chinese ink painting features more than 40 works of art by...Read more -
News | Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney - Two Arises Three: The Collaborative Works of Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney
February 3, 2018The University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) will present From Two Arises Three: The Collaborative Works of Arnold...Read more -
News | Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney - Steams and Mountains Without End: Landscape traditions of China
September 11, 2017From the standpoint of splendid scenery, painting cannot equal [real] landscape. But when it comes to the wonders of brush and ink, [real] landscape is...Read more -
News | Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney - At Kalamazoo Institute Of Art
July 23, 2016This exhibition features 20 works, both solo and collaborative, by two artists working in complementary mediums to explore the landscape of China through painting and...Read more
QM Talks | AWNY Artist Talk Series on March 16 and 17
Asia Week New York 16 - 17 Mar 2025FQM cordially invites you to our artist talk series in celebration of Asia Week New York this March, highlighting its commitment to promoting contemporary Asian...Read more -
QM Talks | Conversation and Painting Demonstration with Arnold Chang
26 May 2024Timed with the solo exhibition “The Mountains Show and Hide: Color in the Landscape Paintings of Arnold Chang,” FQM Fine Art cordially invites you to...Read more -
QM Talks | Understanding the perpetuation of the Chinese literati tradition in the present day
Summer 2023 24 Jun - 30 Sep 2023This summer we cordially invite you to join our “QM Talks · Understanding the perpetuation of the Chinese literati tradition in the present day ”...Read more -
Ink Affinities Artist Conversation:
A Conversation between Arnold Chang, Michael Cherney, and Dr. Wen-shing Chou, Moderated by Fu Qiumeng 28 Apr 2022Ink Affinities: A Conversation between Arnold Chang, Michael Cherney, and Dr. Wen-shing Chou, Moderated by Fu Qiumeng THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2022 8:00 P.M. ET. Please...Read more -
QM Talks | Summer 2018 | Arnold Chang
What is contemporary ink? 25 Aug 2018Arnold Chang is a Chinese art curator, researcher, scholar, and teacher of Chinese painting and connoisseurship , Arnold Chang received traditional literati painting training in...Read more
Send me more information on Arnold Chang
Virtual Tour | Transcultural Dialogues: The Journey of East Asian Art to the West
By Jeffrey Wechsler October 8, 2024Jeffrey Wechsler is our guest curator of the current exhibition at FQM, Transcultural Dialogues: The Journey of East Asian Art to the West . Specializing...Read more -
Ink Affinities: A Conversation between Arnold Chang, Michael Cherney, and Dr. Wen-shing Chou, Moderated by Fu Qiumeng
June 2, 2022Coinciding with the present exhibition “I nk Affinities 墨缘: The Collaborative Works of Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney ,' FQM welcomes the painter Arnold Chang,...Read more -
Catch a glimpse of life-Arnold Chang
August 10, 2020“In Chinese painting I discovered an art form that cultivates creativity and originality through structure and discipline. The Chinese paintings that I admire most are...Read more -
Interview with Arnold Chang
August 13, 2019“ There is a misconception about tradition. People think tradition means past, but actually tradition is ongoing. And the opposite of tradition is not contemporary....Read more