Wang Mansheng Chinese American, b. 1962
Collection of Rotted Wood 朽木集, 2019Ink on paper, album of 12 leavesEach 11 x 8 in (12)
Each 27.9 x 20.3 cm (12)Further images
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鈐印:半升(十一鈐)、棄仙(二鈐)、王満晟印 款識:居哈德遜河谷二十餘年,喜收集異形浮木,置之案頭。從不同角度審視之,或見峭壁崚嶒、或見溝穴縱橫、或見丘陵起伏。緩坡平川,皆蠹蟲之跡,造化之功。佛曰「一花一世界」,吾說「一木含乾坤」。閒來研墨寫其影,曰「朽木集」。己亥(2019)春,半升於三人居楓閣。 Artist inscription: For over twenty years living in the Hudson Valley, I have enjoyed collecting uniquely shaped driftwood and placing them on my desk. When viewed from different...鈐印:半升(十一鈐)、棄仙(二鈐)、王満晟印
Artist inscription: For over twenty years living in the Hudson Valley, I have enjoyed collecting uniquely shaped driftwood and placing them on my desk. When viewed from different angles, they might resemble steep cliffs, craggy ridges, intersecting gullies, or rolling hills. Gentle slopes and flat plains all bear the marks of wood-boring insects and the wonders of nature. As the Buddha says, “A single flower contains a world,” and I say, “A single piece of wood embodies the universe.” In my leisure time, I grind ink and paint their shadows, calling the collection “Rotten Wood Series.” In the spring of the year Ji-hai (2019), Bansheng at the Maple Pavilion (Feng'ge) in the Three-Companion Residence (Sanren Ju).
2024 Transcultural Dialogues: The Journey of East Asian Art to the West, Fu Qiumeng Fine Art, New York, USA
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