Yau Wing Fung Chinese, 1990
Looming Scenery VIII 若境 08 , 2023Ink and color on paper9 5/8 x 53 3/4 in
24.5 x 136.5 cmYau’s ”Looming Sceneries“ series continues to evolve, showcasing his boundless artistic approach. He transcends traditional boundaries, blending detachment and connection, fragments and wholes, to create a seamless visual language. Yau‘s...Yau’s ”Looming Sceneries“ series continues to evolve, showcasing his boundless artistic approach. He transcends traditional boundaries, blending detachment and connection, fragments and wholes, to create a seamless visual language. Yau‘s artistry lies in the fluid interplay between individual elements and the collective image, often starting without a fixed plan and letting the artwork unfold naturally. This open-ended method enriches the viewer’s experience, inviting them to explore the artwork without a prescribed path.
Yau‘s mastery in brush and ink breathes life into his paintings, capturing the essence of landscape art while infusing it with a deep sense of space and time. His unique techniques, including wet-crumpling and ink accumulation, conjure misty scenes and streaming waterfalls that seamlessly blend into rugged mountains, enhancing the overall harmony of his works. These landscapes invite viewers on a spiritual journey, moving freely between detailed vignettes and vast panoramas.随着「若境」系列的发展,邱荣丰的创作越来越自由。经过不断反思个人的视觉体验,这样解构时间和空间的方式也逐渐被内化,理念上也慢慢脱离了割断与连贯、局部与整体两极对立的关系。保留单元化的构图逻辑的同时,他在创作过程和作品中更深入地体会个体与整体之间的流通性。
季节更迭,云卷云舒,水流之不息,「千迴」的意境与自然景观相结合,其中的循环变化映射观者内心世界和生命经历的重复与累积。邱荣丰笔下的山水不再设立明确的分割与对立,而是展现个体与整体之间的流通性。 笔墨推复之间于纸上自然生长,流动的墨色层层叠加,形成一种轻盈呼吸的效果,仿佛时间流逝、情感的涌动和思想的迴旋不息。每一滴墨水的落下,都象征着一次时间的节点,而这些节点随着墨色的扩散和交融,逐渐模糊,最终形成一个深邃而复杂、连续的整体。
2024 Yau Wing Fung: Illusion, Fu Qiumeng Fine Art, New York, USA