Chen Duxi Chinese, 1983
150 x 100 cm
Magnolia Delavayi
It came from the mountains of Shaxi, Yunnan. The plump, maternal body seemed like a mysterious, organic architecture; the packed seeds bespoke the will of life and procreation. In Yunnan it was regarded as a phallic symbol, however, in my view, it was mostly a fruit, and partially seeds. The pyramidal shape made it seem like a monument; within the structure was an ineffable, self-contained system that could expand infinitely without any external intervention.
它来自云南沙溪的山里。如同母体般饱满的身躯犹如某种神秘的生物性建筑,密集的种子向四面八方显示着一代代传递生命的热忱 。在当地它被认为具有象征生殖崇拜的寓意 ,然尔在我看来它整体上是果 ,局部上是种子。类似金字塔的形状在心理上产生一种纪念碑的感觉,一种无法描述的自我循环系统被严密地包裹在它自身的结构之中,无需外部的干预,可以永续不绝的延展。