Arnold Chang American, b. 1954
Boneless Landscape 2022.06, 2022color on paper49 1/4 x 29 1/2 in
125.1 x 74.9 cmCopyright The ArtistMogu 沒骨, literally “without bones,”is a technique of Chinese painting that does not rely on ink outlines to establish the basic structure (“bones”) of the image, upon which color washes...Mogu 沒骨, literally “without bones,”is a technique of Chinese painting that does not rely on ink outlines to establish the basic structure (“bones”) of the image, upon which color washes can be added. Instead, the entire composition is laid out using only color to describe the forms. This technique is generally used for painting flowers but occasionally has been employed by landscape painters. Arnold Chang (Zhang Hong), known for his ink landscapes that subtly combine dry lines and nuanced washes, has in recent years also experimented with an expanded color palette. In this work he creates a complex landscape scene through the meticulous layering of colored lines and washes. Chang declares “Many contemporary ink painters use ink as if it is watercolor, I try to use watercolor as if it is ink! It is like we are viewing an ink landscape through a prism—refracting the ink tones into a spectrum of color.”
没骨作为中国传统绘画技巧之一,其独特之处在于不依赖墨线勾勒轮廓,而是直接叠色渲染以形塑形象。这种技法常用于描绘花鸟,突破轮廓线的限制,使其生机盎然,信乎神妙。艺术家张洪(Arnold Chang)的作品中常见枯笔线条的韵律与染色的细致相辅相成。而近期,他也逐渐尝试通过没骨技法以更丰富的色彩诠释水墨画。在他的2022年的作品《没骨山水》中,艺术家通过层层叠加的彩墨线条与晕染重新演绎了传统中国山水画。正如张洪所言:“许多当代水墨艺术家试图以墨为彩,从水彩画法中吸取灵感创新传统水墨画。而我想以水彩为墨!就像透过棱镜观看水墨山水一样,折射后的山水也能呈现出意想不到的五彩斑斓。”
2024 The Mountains Show and Hide: Color in the Landscape Paintings of Arnold Chang, Curated by Joy Xiao Chen, Fu Qiumeng Fine Art, New York, USA
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