Zhang Xiaoli China, b. 1989
A Flame Test, 2022Chinese ink and colour on silk57 1/8 x 25 5/8 in
145 x 65 cmCopyright The Artist张小黎, 光明焰,2022 水墨设色绢本 57 1/8 x 25 5/8 英寸 145 x 65 厘米 焰色反應,是指元素或其化合物在灼燒中使火焰呈現出特徵顏色的現象,這一現象始終令我著迷。焰色反應在東方、西方的古老神秘學著作中都有記載。南朝煉丹師陶弘景在《本草經集注》中記載了硝酸鉀遇火呈現的「紫青煙」,由此鑒別硝石。而英國畫家約瑟夫懷特的神秘畫作《尋找哲人石的煉金術士發現了磷》中則描繪了德國煉金術士亨尼格布蘭德面對白磷燃燒時釋放的巨大光亮而驚嘆,以為找到了哲人石。現代科學的世界觀中,不同元素聚散離合,組成形形色色的物質,編織成我們所在的世界。焰色反應被解釋為電子受熱躍遷後回到基態時釋放光子而呈現出的顏色現象。當火焰吞噬著物質,隨著微不可見的粒子運動,綻開光亮神秘的焰火—是否如同幾百年前那樣,像是這個世界展開裂隙,透出來自另一維的光亮,誘人探尋它的奧秘。 The flame test refers to the phenomenon in which the flame color changes when certain element...张小黎,
57 1/8 x 25 5/8 英寸
145 x 65 厘米
焰色反應,是指元素或其化合物在灼燒中使火焰呈現出特徵顏色的現象,這一現象始終令我著迷。焰色反應在東方、西方的古老神秘學著作中都有記載。南朝煉丹師陶弘景在《本草經集注》中記載了硝酸鉀遇火呈現的「紫青煙」,由此鑒別硝石。而英國畫家約瑟夫懷特的神秘畫作《尋找哲人石的煉金術士發現了磷》中則描繪了德國煉金術士亨尼格布蘭德面對白磷燃燒時釋放的巨大光亮而驚嘆,以為找到了哲人石。現代科學的世界觀中,不同元素聚散離合,組成形形色色的物質,編織成我們所在的世界。焰色反應被解釋為電子受熱躍遷後回到基態時釋放光子而呈現出的顏色現象。當火焰吞噬著物質,隨著微不可見的粒子運動,綻開光亮神秘的焰火—是否如同幾百年前那樣,像是這個世界展開裂隙,透出來自另一維的光亮,誘人探尋它的奧秘。The flame test refers to the phenomenon in which the flame color changes when certain element or compound is introduced to a hot and non-luminous flame. This phenomenon has always fascinated me. The flame test appears in both ancient Eastern and Western occult books. Tao Hongjing, a famous Chinese alchemist of the 5th century, recorded in his Collected Commentaries on the Materia Medica the "purple and green smoke" of potassium nitrate when exposed to fire, as a way of identifying the material. The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorous by the English painter Joseph Wright of Derby depicts the marvelous moment when the German alchemist Henning Brand discovered the bright bluish green flame of phosphorus in his laboratory, thinking that he had found the philosopher’s stone. Modern science tells us that the reason for the fire color change in a flame test is the emission of photons when excited electrons return to ground state. The integration and disintegration of various elements create all forms of materials that make up the world we live in. As those worldly materials are engulfed by fire, infinitesimal particles become activated, emitting bright and mysterious flames— same as they were centuries ago—like a fissure of this world, emanating lights from another dimension, calling people to explore their secrets.
2022 Jul 29th - Sep 3rd, The Rain Freshens, Fu Qiumeng Fine Art, New York, NY.
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