C. C. Wang
Lan Ting Xu (Preface of the Orchid Pavilion) Cursive Script, 1994Medium: Silver color felt marker on black construction paper, two panels framed
40 x 26 in Each, 80 x 26 in, total. 101.6 x 66 cm Each, 203.2 x 66 cm total.
“In the ninth year of the Yǒng-hé (353 CE), at the beginning of the third moon, on this late spring day, we gathered at the Orchid Pavilion in the Guì-jī, Shanyin (present-day Shaoxing (紹興) of Zhejiang (浙江) province), for the purification ritual. All the literati have finally arrived. Young and old ones have come together. Overlooking us are lofty mountains and steep peaks. Around us are dense wood and slender bamboos and a limpid swift stream flowing around, which reflected the sunlight as it flowed past either side of the pavilion. Taking advantage of this, we sit by the stream, drinking from wine cups that float gently on the water. Despite the absence of the grandeur of musical accompaniment, drinking wine and chanting poems give us delight and allow us to exchange our deep feelings.”
The Lanting Xu (Preface of the Orchid Pavilion)《蘭亭序》or Lanting Ji Xu 《蘭亭集序》is a famous work of calligraphy by Wang Xizhi (王羲之) (301 CE to 363 CE), composed in the 353 CE. It is written in elegant semi-cursive script and underpinned by deep philosophical thinking. It is among the best-known and often copied calligraphy pieces in Chinese history and a famous piece of Chinese literature. It is revered as the best running calligraphy (天下第一行書). Wang Xizhi is respected as Shu Sheng (書聖), ‘Sage of Calligraphy’ or ‘Super Master of Calligraphy.’
王己千(1907-2003)草書蘭亭序(1994年)馬克銀筆 紙本 鏡框尺寸:40 x 26 英寸 每幅, 共 80 x 26 英寸, 101.6 x 66 cm 每幅, 共 203.2 x 66 cm. 釋文:永和九年,歲在癸丑,暮春之初,會於會稽山陰之蘭亭,修禊事也。群賢畢至,少長鹹集。此地有崇山峻嶺,茂林修竹,又有清流激湍,映帶左右。引以為流觴曲水,列坐其次。雖無絲竹管弦之盛,一觴一詠,亦足以暢敘幽情。款識:甲戌了然書於溪岸草堂鈐印:王季遷印、懷雲樓、王己千鈢、不是東西
2022 Jan 18th - Mar 5th New York Rhythms: C. C. Wang's Calligraphy, Fu Qiumeng Fine Art, New York, NY.